Monday, August 17, 2009

1. What is Risk?

  • Risk is the probability that a hazard will turn into a disaster. Vulnerability and hazards are not dangerous, taken
    separately. But if they come together, they become a risk or, in other words, the probability that a disaster will

2. Identify at least 5 software risk. Discuss each.

  • technology risk
  • software risk
  • hardware risk
  • people risk
  • cost risk

3. Identify risk management strategies.

  • identify ways to reduce those risks
  • assess the vulnerability of critical assets to specific threats
  • determine the risk (i.e. the expected consequences of specific types of attacks on specific assets)
  • identify, characterize, and assess threats
  • prioritize risk reduction measures based on a strategy

4. You are asked by your manager to deliver software to a schedule which you know can only be met by asking your project team to work unpaid overtime. All team members have young children. Discuss whether you sould accept this demand from your manager or whether you should persuade your team to give their time to the organisation rather that thier families. What factors might be significant in your decision?

5 . As an IT student that has been trained for Java Programming, you are offered a home based job as a project manager for a certain software project, but you feel that you can make more effective contribution in a technical specifically doing progamming module using Java for the project rathee than a managerial role. Discuss whether you should accept the job.


Sunday, August 16, 2009


Think of all the task that you perform when you purchase a house & lot. Include any research, decisions considerations, or financial issues that relate to the purchase. Draw a Gantt Chart & PERT Chart that shows all the tasks and the estimated duration of each.

(Note: You should come up with a task listing as well as its dependencies.)


  • Identify what type of home you want.
  • Get financially pre-qualified
  • Begin your home search!
  • Make an offer
  • Negotiate and agree to terms with the seller
  • Get things ready for day of purchase

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE Tool)

Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools offer many benefits for developers building large-scale systems. As spiralling user requirements continue to drive system complexity to new levels, enabling us to abstract away from the entanglement of source code, to a level where architecture and design become more apparent and easier to understand and modify. The larger a project, the more important it is to use a case tool in software development.

As developers interact with portions of a system designed by their colleagues, they must quickly seek a subset of classes and methods and assimilate an understanding of how to interface with them. In a similar sense, management must be able, in a timely fashion and from a high level, to look at a representation of a design and understand what's going on. For these reasons, CASE tools coupled with methodologies give us a way of representing systems too complex to comprehend in their underlying source code or schema-based form.

Select Business Solutions has been developing and building these CASE tools since the late 1980s, as well as developing processes and methods to support high quality application development.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why Software Engineering?

Software engineering is application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software, and the study of these approaches; that is, the application of engineering to software.
The term software engineering first appeared in the 1968 NATO Software Engineering Conference and was meant to provoke thought regarding the current "software crisis" at the time.Since then, it has continued as a profession and field of study dedicated to creating software that is of higher quality, more affordable, maintainable, and quicker to build. Since the field is still relatively young compared to its sister fields of engineering, there is still much debate around what software engineering actually is, and if it conforms to the classical definition of engineering. It has grown organically out of the limitations of viewing software as just programming.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Who I Am?

Hai to all...this is your friend Ana Lou Lamonon,17 years of age,currently studying at DOSCST taking up BSIT as 2ndyear level.

I am a new member of is my first time to join here and i hope that i will enjoy your company...